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###### Section 22B3 - Filter certain titles from u/CCNewsBot.
    priority: 3
    type: submission
    moderators_exempt: false
       name: ["CCNewsBot"]
    title: ["Reddit Bitcoin", "ListICO", "GlobalCoin Report", "Criptotendencia", "Cripto Noticias", "ICORating", "ICORating 2", "Tokenmarket", "Giveaway", "offer", "price analysis", "technical analysis", "weekly analysis"]
    action: remove
    action_reason: "Section 22B3 - Filter certain titles from u/CCNewsBot: {{match}}"
###### Section 22C1 - Erase abusive custom flairs.
    type: any
        flair_text(regex): ["Diamond", "unobtanium", "uranium", "diamond", "year", "millennia", 'QC ?:? ?\d{5,}', '((bul+|dip|horse|jack).?)?sh([*ai]|[ei]{3,})[*t]e?(bag|dick|head|load|lord|post|stain|ter|ting|ty)?s?', '((dumb|jack|smart|wise).?)?a(rse|ss)(.?(clown|fuck|hat|hole|munch|sex|tard|tastic|wipe))?(e?s)?', '(?!(?-i:Cockburns?\b))cock(?!amamie|apoo|atiel|atoo|ed\b|er\b|erels?\b|eyed|iness|les|ney|pit|rell|roach|sure|tail|ups?\b|y\b)\w[\w-]*', '(?#ES)(cabr[oГі]n(e?s)?|chinga\W?(te)?|g[uГј]ey|mierda|no mames|pendejos?|pinche|put[ao]s?)', '(?<!\b(moby|tom,) )(?!(?-i:Dick [A-Z][a-z]+\b))dick(?!\W?(and jane|cavett|cheney|dastardly|grayson|s?\W? sporting good|tracy))s?', '(cock|dick|penis|prick)\W?(bag|head|hole|ish|ish\b|less|suck|wad|weed|wheel)\w*', '(f(?!g\b|gts\b)|ph)[\x40a]?h?g(?!\W(and a pint|ash|break|butt|end|packet|paper|smok\w*)s?\b)g?h?([0aeiou]?tt?)?(ed|in[\Wg]?|r?y)?s?', '(m[ou]th(a|er).?)?f(?!uch|uku)([*u]|oo)+[*ckq]+\w*', '[ck]um(?!.laude)(.?shot)?(m?ing|s)?', 'b[*i][*ao]?[*t][*c][*h](e[ds]|ing|y)?', 'c+u+n+t+([sy]|ing)?', 'cock(?!-ups?\b|\W(a\Whoop|a\Wsnook|and\Wbull|eyed|in\Wthe\Whenhouse|of\Wthe\W(rock|roost|walk))\b)s?', 'd[o0]+u[cs]he?\W?(bag|n[0o]zzle|y)s?', 'piss(ed|er?s|ing)?', 'pricks?', 'tit(t(ie|y))?s?']
        overwrite_flair: true
        set_flair: ["", "x"]
    moderators_exempt: false
    action_reason: "Section 22C1(Rule 3.9) - Erase abusive custom flairs. Section needs a regex to detect 5 digit QC numbers and higher."
    modmail_subject: 'Erased an abusive user flair.'
    modmail: | Section 22C1. u/{{author}}'s flair was erased for being abusive. "{{match}}" was the trigger word. This message is for record keeping.
    message: | Hello {{author}}. It appears you might have abused your custom flair privilege. As a result, your flair has be erased. Please do not insert whatever made up tier level, QC value, or age you want to have in your custom flair. Also, do not use profanity or offensive language. Violations of rule 3.9 may result in temporary ban. Durations will depend on the severity.


###### Section 23A - Flair instructions for all potential comedy, metrics, media, or technical posts.
    type: link submission
#    satisfy_any_threshold: true
#    standard: image hosting sites
    domain: ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
    comment: | If this submission was flaired inaccurately, [click here](